Not the home movie that you want to see.


Last Updated on 8th July 2021 by

Not the home movie that you want to see.

A thief making off with your treasured possessions while you sit enjoying a meal with friends in a restaurant far away from your front door -this is one of many still photographs posted upon Facebook and taken from the video captured on the homeowners mobile when it was activated by the live webcam feed from cameras at his property. The report of the incident is fully covered in the article “Thieves smash down front door before barging their way into family home” – however here at Timber Composite Door it very much reminded us of a blog of a very similar incident which we featured some months ago “ Imagine being awoken at 4AM by two intruders smashing a brick into your front door?” – the difference being that in the previously featured article the thieves failed to gain entry.

This most recent article shows exactly how difficult it is to protect ones home, the unfortunate householder appears to have taken the correct precautions by installing security camera’s which would be a deterrent to many would be thieves, unfortunately the article makes no mention of the security through which entry was achieved, although one would logically assume that if the individual in question was prepared to meet the expense of security camera’s, his front door would have been equally secure.

At Timber Composite Door we have a specific interest in the door in question because doors are our business – specifically Composite Doors and we are equally aware that many Composite Doors are not necessarily as secure as their advertising may claim. This is not the case with the Solidor doors range which Timber Composite Doors supply and install – we know that our timber core doors will stand up to the rigorous testing regime of PAS 24 (the current national standard) and as we highlighted in a 2016 blog “And now you’re going to believe us”

“Whatever your market, you’ll be affected by the new PAS24. Independent tests show 7 out of 10 composite doors fail this test. They fail because the GRP skins on their doors are too thin to offer the necessary protection”

And in one of our light hearted blogs “would these guys beat a PAS 24 test” featuring “Star Ship Troopers “ from the Star Wars movie you will find a compelling 4 minute video showing just what three sample doors have to withstand to pass PAS 24 “cut test”

If you are not yet concerned at just how easy a target your front door can be to would be thieves you may wish to take a look at our blog “the news most of us do not want to hear” where we start off by telling you that the news in question is that 74% of burglaries occur through the front door – before advising that every new Solidor is fitted with the ULtion Lock – the most secure lock currently available for the domestic market.

Finally you may wish to review “Quality doors: Quality locks: Solidor and Ultion” where we highlight the strength of our door and locking system as a combined unit.

At Timber Composite Doors we know that we have provided rather more than the normal number of links in this blog – there is a lot to read and it can be just a bit boring – but would you prefer to be just a bit bored but convinced that our door is the door for you – or would you prefer to watch your home being broken into on your mobile phone.

Timber Composite Door we are only a “mouse click” or a “phone call “ away from providing you with one of the most secure front doors in the current market place and we can deliver and install normally within a matter of a few short weeks anywhere within the UK.





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Ian Richardson
Ian is the Head of Marketing here at Timber Composite Doors. Combining a deep knowledge of the product with a witty and Irreverent look at the World, the blog aims to provide a fun and informative, view on choosing a Solidor Timber Composite Door #solidor #compositedoors #timbercompositedoors
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