Spectacular or what ?


Last Updated on 8th July 2021 by

Spectacular or what ?

It has attracted the gaze of thousands as it steams its way through the length of the country on its “Whistle-stop” tour of all of the regions and it has been eagerly awaited by enthusiasts wherever it has been – although it nearly went wrong when it hit Scotland until Network Rail performed an eleventh hour “U” turn which could have scuppered the best laid plans. The thousands who were lucky enough to witness the great train crossing the Forth Rail Bridge certainly witnessed a spectacular sight.

Here at GFD HQ we cannot claim to be “train spotters” but we do appreciate the majesty of this particular train in action – however when it comes to creating a bit of a stir and grabbing the public’s attention we reckon we ourselves have recently launched something equally as stunning and spectacular as the Flying Scotsman in motion and it’s certainly attracting the attention of a whole lot of people out there in the digital world. We refer of course to the launch our new Timber Composite Doors web site cleaner crisper brighter faster more superb photographs and more of the specification information that allows all of our potential customers to make informed choices – it’s completely remodelled with a new “home” page that gives you the feel for what lies within and gives easy links to all the information that you could ever wish to know –

This is only the start of the “home “page – don’t forget to keep on scrolling down for more and more information.

Solidor Timber Composite Doors
Solidor Timber Composite Doors

Of course the launch of any new website would be incomplete without some new products and we have six new door styles which have already caught the attention of our would be buyers –

Three new colours –


And it does not stop there because there are also new glazing and hardware accessories which we are sure everyone of our visitors will find when they use our” all new” door designer to create their perfect new door for their home


Please enjoy our new web site because we here at GFD enjoyed producing it and we only had one goal in mind – bringing our customers all the latest information on the Solidor door range in the best and most user friendly and easy to read format – from the number of hits we have already had it’s just possible that more people have viewed our web site from the comfort of their home than have braved the elements to see the magnificent Flying Scotsman.



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Ian Richardson
Ian is the Head of Marketing here at Timber Composite Doors. Combining a deep knowledge of the product with a witty and Irreverent look at the World, the blog aims to provide a fun and informative, view on choosing a Solidor Timber Composite Door #solidor #compositedoors #timbercompositedoors
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