Space control to Major Tim


Last Updated on 8th July 2021 by

Space control to Major Tim –

No it is not a misprint – it is Tim we mean and not Tom as referenced in the song Space Oddity by David Bowie –

Tim is one of our heroes here at GFD HQ – one of those guys whose life revolves around the sort of life style we more “mere mortal” types can only dream about.

Just to look at his photograph Tim looks pretty much like anyone you could meet in the street but this gentleman is about to take a huge step forward on behalf of the UK Space Programme when on the 15th December he blasts off on a Russian Soyez rocket to start a six month stint on the International Space Station as the first UK astronaut to achieve this fete.

Full name – Tim Peake and he already has an interesting biography that will soon have a lot more even more interesting additional entries as his mission progresses, because, Tim has decided to use his time spent at the space station as a vehicle to rekindle the interest of today’s children in the whole theory of space exploration as he explains in this BBC science article –

For those of us old enough to remember and have lived through such epic events as the first space flight by Yuri Gagarin and later the Moon Landing we need nothing to stimulate our interest but for today’s generation of children space flight is something they have read about rather than experienced but all of that is about to change if Tim’s”out of this world “communications are as are as good as he suggests they will be.

Here at GFD HQ we salute and admire all such modern day heroes as Tim but would we really have the nerve to swap places – we shall never know – there is a second line in the David Bowie hit that links ourselves with space travel –

“This is Major Tom to ground Control

I’m stepping through the door “

And there is the incredibly tenuous link – we at GFD HQ ell doors – very ,very, very good composite doors whether it be from our Timber Composite Door ,Global Door ,Composite Door Prices sites.

Our product and service are so good that many of our customers say that that which we provide is “out of this world”- check out their comments on TRUST PILOT the independent reviews which we include on all of our sites

Here at GFD HQ we may never emulate Major Tim’s achievements but if it’s a new front, back or side door you are after we are pretty sure we know more about these than Major Tim – visit our web site or give us a call and you can be sure that although the information that we communicate with regard to your new door may not be as good as the gems of knowledge Major Tim will be passing to today’s school children – it will certainly be sufficient to allow you to make a correct and accurate decision as to which door is best for you.








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Ian Richardson
Ian is the Head of Marketing here at Timber Composite Doors. Combining a deep knowledge of the product with a witty and Irreverent look at the World, the blog aims to provide a fun and informative, view on choosing a Solidor Timber Composite Door #solidor #compositedoors #timbercompositedoors
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