Protecting your home this winter is not as difficult as you may think


Last Updated on 8th July 2021 by

Here at the GFD Group home of Timber Composite Doors and Global Door we are extremely conscious of our customers security – we know that we provide solid secure doors but we also know that without adequate locking systems they can be vulnerable to the opportunist burglar which is why we offer the Ultion Lock as standard on all of our doors, locks as with technology have evolved massively and with modern multi point locking systems they have had to become more sophisticated, the Ultion 3 star Sold secure diamond lock is recognised as the most secure domestic lock available

If you are not currently thinking of replacing your front door all is not lost if your existing door is over a couple of years old it may well be a good time to check your current locks and replace them with a high security locking cylinder such as the Ultion lock find out more at our sister company Eurosecure (home of all of your household security needs) –


this lock is not only superbly secure but it can also be operated on a “one keyed” system whereby you can change multiple locks and use the same key to operate them all.


Having the right locks is vital and changing them is as easy as removing one screw removing your existing lock, replacing it with a new one and replacing the screw

The Eurosecure web site contains all the information you need to both review the new products you may need to enhance your home security plus lots of advice for the DIY experts amongst us.

There is more to your household security than just your front door

Cometh the dark nights, cometh the opportunist burglar be aware and be prepared – the opportunist burglar is looking for easy access to your home and he much prefers to “Sneak” around in dark or shaded places where he can not be seen by prying eyes. A lookout tower with motion detector floodlights and automatic operating machine gun in the corner of your garden may be the perfect option but it will be frowned upon by both the Police and your neighbours. So, what is the second-best option?

The burglar will have to gain access through a roadway a path or your garden so how do you protect them – to quote from the movies –

“Lights”, Camera’s, action”

Any one accessing your property is on the move and can therefore be picked up by a motion sensor – “that’s the action” and we are all familiar with the type of floodlights that turn night into day when next doors cat runs across your garden, ( that’s the lights) they can prove an excellent deterrent but which offer little threat of apprehending the burglar.

Video camera’s have been used in the surveillance of commercial properties for many years but now technology advances means we can have that same high level of security in our homes – cameras with live feed , night vision detection, intelligent detection which triggers recording when an event is detected and you can operate it from an App on your smart phone find out more at –


But what if the burglar blatantly walks up to your front door and you want to catch him in the spotlight – not a problem there are systems that provide web cams with floodlights – and if the burglar should actually gain access with strategically placed internal monitoring you can not only see the intruder via your smartphone you can actually speak to him/her (or any more welcome visitor) in real time find out more at –


There are numerous “smart phone operated systems available but these are two that are tried and tested and they work.

Any form of burglar alarm is better than none – the visible external box can itself as a deterrent, failing that if it should go off the bell/klaxon will at least alert your neighbours – if you should opt for a conventional alarm don’t forget to update your alarm code on a regular basis!

And Finally, two failings we are all guilty of –

A little bit of gardening (particularly hedge trimming and pruning) can go a long way don’t help the burglar keep garden wall , fences and hedges in good condition – gaps give easy access- and prune your shrubs to remove any obvious hiding places and remove any tools , ladders bins etc that can be used to either assist the break in or be climbed upon to gain access. – and don’t forget the shed or the garage they need locking too.

Don’t advertise your absence – particularly on social media unsurprisingly an opportunist burglar loves to read such information. Time switches on internal lamps work well to make it look like your home and a friendly neighbour visiting every couple of days to check for the obvious signs of overflowing letterboxes etc can be all it takes to make it look like you are in residence

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Ian Richardson
Ian is the Head of Marketing here at Timber Composite Doors. Combining a deep knowledge of the product with a witty and Irreverent look at the World, the blog aims to provide a fun and informative, view on choosing a Solidor Timber Composite Door #solidor #compositedoors #timbercompositedoors
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