Could the common colds days be numbered?


Last Updated on 8th July 2021 by

Could the common colds days be numbered?

The majority of us learnt the mantra –

“Coughs and sneezes spread diseases – trap your germs in a handkerchief “

-at a very young age – and what we were taught as children still very much holds good today – but things could be about to change. Medical research may be about to discover a cure for the common cold which as the main cause of coughs and sneezes may just be one of the greatest medical breakthroughs ever.

Gone will be the days of carrying around a box of tissues taking endless hot drinks while sitting on the sofa or propped up in bed watching TV – gone will be the nights of being congested and unable to sleep – gone will be the headaches and the endless runny noses. For we the males of the species there could be one major drawback – gone will be the opportunity of having others at our beck and call to give us tea and sympathy because we have the worst “man flu” ever when all we have is a simple cold.

The development of a cure for the common cold has taken so long because there are around 200 viruses involved, though most colds are caused by three: the rhinovirus, coronavirus and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), which are responsible for 80 per cent of colds but now a team at Imperial College – London have come up with a nasal spray called SynGEM which may be about to change all of our lives forever. The article we have used as our information link from the Daily Mail Online also contains some very good advice about preventative measures that we generally ignore which could also reduce your chance of falling prey to a cold.

Here at Timber Composite Doors whilst we acknowledge that this is a major breakthrough – following in the footsteps of every TV news article one ever sees these days , finding the downside and gloom in every item (why ! there is still plenty of good news in the world) – but in keeping with the trend of seeing the worst in everything – we are concerned as to what this could do to our business.

When you have a cold you want to feel safe and secure at home behind your own front door – what if this changes – if we are all super healthy will we be wanting to be out in the big bad world enjoying ourselves. We can already see the headlines –

“Conquering the common cold leads to a fall in Composite Front Door Sales”

It would be rather a pity if this was the case as so many potential customers would be missing out on our ranges of superb doors limitless styles and masses of colours and accessories, rather than take our word for it find out for yourself at Timber Composite Doors web site where you will find beauties such as these-

Solidor Timber Composite Doors
Solidor Timber Composite Doors

Both images are lifted straight from our gallery of photographs of actual installations that Timber Composite Doors have undertaken –

Support your on line composite Front Door retailer visit Timber Composite Doors and find out more about our superb range of doors, our excellent installation service, our Financial Assistance packages, our brilliant Sales Team who will take care of all of your purchase and after Sales service requirements, our door designers which allow you to design the door you really want – all of this plus the techie stuff and much much more.

We think our web site is pretty good but functional and friendly as it may be, but it’s only a web site selling very good doors which pales into insignificance as an achievement when compared to the guys at Imperial College if really have cracked the “common cold”



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Ian Richardson
Ian is the Head of Marketing here at Timber Composite Doors. Combining a deep knowledge of the product with a witty and Irreverent look at the World, the blog aims to provide a fun and informative, view on choosing a Solidor Timber Composite Door #solidor #compositedoors #timbercompositedoors
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