A 400 year old Pisa the puzzle


Last Updated on 8th July 2021 by

A 400 year old puzzle

This graphic illustration below possibly represents a way to advancing our knowledge of the universe and taking our understanding to a totally new level. The majority of recent scientific discoveries in the univers have been made by the Hubble Telecope but now there is potentially a new kid on the block in the form of that shown below – The James Webb Telescope – if all goes to plan it is scheduled for a launch date of sometime during 2018 as described in this BBC News item which encompasses the history, development and expectations that this new telescope may achieve.


The spectacular images of our universe as produced by the Hubble telescope –


are about to be dwarfed because the primary mirror on the James Webb telescope is over three times the diameter of the Hubble and in the words of the scientists developing it, bgger this time is definately better.

A truely wonderful invention the telescope where did it begin and what is the 400 year old puzzle? Ask the average quiz buff who invented the telescope and they will invariably say Gallileo or the more correct will say Gallileo Galilei – but this is not strictly true the first the first known reference to using lenses to increase the size of objects is accreditted to Hans Lippershey a German – Dutch lensmaker circa 1608 – Gallilieo got in on the act and built the first working telescope in 1609. Once the principal was established numerous scientists including our own Sir Issac Newton became involved in the deveopment and improvement culminatng in 1990 in the launch of the Hubble and development in terrestial observatories still continues with the Gran Telescopio openining in the Canaries in 2010 an excellent timeline to the development of the telescope can be sourced on the “Kids Astronomy web site”

The 400 year puzzle is simple how did we get from Gallileo to the Hubble and the National Geographical have done a pretty good job of answering it in their article GALILEO’S TELESCOPE AT 400: From Spyglasses to Hubble






The great man himself – Galileo, the Leaning Tower of Pisa – the most famous landmark in the town of Galileo’s birth we covered the history and construction of the tower in one of our previous articles back last summer “Pisa a door that will not lean”, one of the Italia Collection of Solidor doors as supplied by Timber Composite Door – “The Pisa”

They all have a common link Pisa

Was the original design of the leaning tower based upon Galileo’s telescope?

Did the designer of the Pisa Door have the telescope in mind when he designed the door with its split circle feature glazed panel?

The Pisa is one of the most striking of all of the Solidor range of Italia Collection Doors one of which we are sure Gallileo would have approved particularly when it is seen as its most stylish when set between two vertical glazed sidelights.

This is a door that looks good in any colour – take for instance with a Chartwell Green Door and frame, or maybe something that is slightly less traditional a Schwarzbraun frame with a white door with art decor glazing.

Solidor-Pisa-Timber-Composite-Door Solidor-Pisa-Timber-Composite-Door-2



Whichever way you choose to design it the Pisa will always look good

Installing a new door and side screen is normally a little more problematical than simply installing a door and frame, but once completed the results can completely transform your home All of the Solidor range of doors “Standard” and “Italia” work excellently as door and side screen combinations and as the side panels can be either simple with the glazing of your choice or made bespoke to match the door style they will always look good. The range covers both side screens and overhead panels and is so extensive that it covers the majority of possible configurations but if you are the unlucky person with the one example that does not fit with any of the standards simply give us a call and we will help you design a door and side screen that will fit any opening.

Would Galileo have appreciated the Pisa door- with or without side lights – we have no idea but at GFD HQ we like to think that he would but unfortunately as our installation network does not yet stretch to the North of Italy he would probably had to install it himself – which would have been no problem for a man of his genius.

For the reminder of our clients who reside in the UK there is no need for a telescope to seek out your local supplier installer GFD group do it all we may be Hartlepool based but we have a distribution network that means everywhere in the UK is local to us a fact of which we are pretty sure Galileo would have approved.

And one last question would anyone like to hazard a guess as to when the James Webb telescope will first pick out a Pisa – Solidor door from Timber Composite Door from space – we reckon if it’s up there by 2018 the first photograph should be available within its first year if it is not too busy looking the other way to discover the origin of life.



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Ian Richardson
Ian is the Head of Marketing here at Timber Composite Doors. Combining a deep knowledge of the product with a witty and Irreverent look at the World, the blog aims to provide a fun and informative, view on choosing a Solidor Timber Composite Door #solidor #compositedoors #timbercompositedoors
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