Wouldn’t it be nice?


Last Updated on 8th July 2021 by


Wouldn’t it be nice –

With Christmas rapidly approaching the first chords have been struck and the Carol singers are taking to the highways and byways to entertain us and request in many cases that we help them support some excellent charitable cause. Not all Carol singers take the trouble to dress for the occasion but when they do it is rather nice.


Imagine the scene – from inside your home you can hear the melodic tones as the singers belt out some traditional classics – God rest you merry gentlemen or the perennial favourite Silent Night – they finish their rendition and you hear footsteps approaching your front door – the one you really meant to change this year but never got around to. The same draughty warped door that sticks when you try to open it with discoloured and peeling paintwork and that cracked glass panel that has been there for at least a couple of years.

The doorbell rings and you can feel your cheeks going red with embarrassment – the same reaction you get every time you have to open your front door to family, friends or strangers, you really should have replaced it last summer. With trembling fingers, you open the door you vaguely hear the words “we are collecting tinned food for the local elderly citizens would you like to help” but you know that the eyes of these very charitable Carol Singers are taking in the state of your front door – saying nothing and maybe wondering whether it should be you they are collecting for. You were prepared tins stacked by the door are handed over to words of courteous thanks – you rapidly stutter out your thanks and goodbyes and close your door only to be embarrassed again because it sticks and requires a good kick to get it finally closed.

Safe inside your home you slink back to your armchair cringing with embarrassment – what must they have thought – what must anyone think who knocks on your front door – the postman, the newspaper boy, the delivery man – they say the front door is the first impression of you and your home and this is not the image you want the world to see of you.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have that new front door?

Of course, it does not have to be like this that nice new front door may be only a few clicks of a mouse away – all you have to do is connect to the internet – pull up the Timber Composite Doors web site – you will believe that all of your Christmases have arrived at once – so many choices so many styles – so many colours and so many matching accessories and even better using our door designer you can have the door you want not the one currently in stock in the showroom – all of this with delivery and installation normally within a couple of weeks – we cannot promise to make this Christmas but what an uplifting start to the new year you could have if you finally had that new front door.

When the door of your choice could look as good as those below – why are you waiting.

Solidor Timber Composite Doors
Solidor Timber Composite Doors

These are just three examples of doors we have recently installed – three of the hundreds that appear on our gallery pages – photographs of real doors on real homes rather than glossy brochure images.

Make this the best Christmas you have had for years visit the Timber Composite Doors web site and be amazed at the choice and then simply place your order for the door that you know will make you smile and your visitors (not just Carol Singers) gaze in envy at its stylish good looks, every time that doorbell rings

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Ian Richardson
Ian is the Head of Marketing here at Timber Composite Doors. Combining a deep knowledge of the product with a witty and Irreverent look at the World, the blog aims to provide a fun and informative, view on choosing a Solidor Timber Composite Door #solidor #compositedoors #timbercompositedoors
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