Time to meet the Star Man #DavidBowie



RIP David Bowie

Here at GFD HQ as with so many people of a certain age we were sad to here of the passing of David Bowie – love him or hate him this was one artist who certainly knew how to engage with his public.

It does seem somewhat ironic when here at GFD HQ as we look back over our last couple of month’s articles and blogs – we have featured the adventures of our own real life astronaut Major Tim Peake followed closely with our Star wars and Star doors features a developing theme of Stars and space and today we have lost the star who gave so much inspiration to so many.

In his own words –

There’s a starman waiting in the sky

He’d like come and meet us

But he thinks he’d blow our minds

Words that from today take on a different meaning – for those of us of a certain age – David certainly blew our minds – but he will always be our Starman

Shine on David thank you for your music it will never be forgotten




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