Timber Composite Door TV Launches – Solidor TV


TCD Tv Way back in history sometime about the dawn of civilisation; one of our ancestors did something quite remarkable – he picked up a rock and started scratching on the walls of his cave – and so, not only were the first cave paintings created but mankind began a long time love affair with the visual image. What would our ancestor think if he was around today, how progress and evolution have changed the way we view our world – his rock first became a paintbrush wielded by many a great master and many more insignificant artists who all left us a legacy of Artwork? The cinematic projector first brought us black and white moving pictures ( remember Charlie Chaplain?)charlie-chaplin-bigand then pictures with sound (talkies) and coloured moving images gave us the “cinema” we now know and love. As time has gone by our ability to reproduce the perfect image has accelerated in pace with technology the last fifty years alone bringing us a coloured TV in every home and now we are in the Digital age and with CGI (Computer generated imagery) virtually anything is possible.

We cannot say the change in the way we have presented ourselves at the GFD Group of companies has been quite so dramatic, but there again we only started in six years ago and by our timescales we are moving PDQ. We started with flat but imaginative web sites then we got clever and made them interactive and user friendly – probably some of the easiest sites to navigate that you will find on the web. Even that was not good enough for us and certainly not good enough for our customers so we have taken our marketing to a new level on our Timber Composite Doors Site – TCD TV has arrived – see it for yourself at https://www.timbercompositedoors.com/tcd-tv/ .  OK so you will not get your favourite “Soap Opera” or “Sports Event” but what you will get is a collection of videos illustrating all that is good about our doors and just to show we are taking this seriously we even commissioned our first stab at a CGI based video – look out Hollywood – Timber Composite Doors the new kid on the block are coming at you.

It’s definitely a start and looking back to our ancestor who only had a roll away rock for a door and 2000 years of evolution to help him, with a quality Solidor such as Timber Composite Door market the possibilities are endless, we had a little stab at demoing our doors in our Dr Who video of stills, what will we do next, we’re thinking maybe a big screen blockbuster that will get us nominated for an Oscar, as we said with CGI anything is possible.

TCD TV the new home of television for the discerning door buyer – watch that space.

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