The Han Solo we know and love


Last Updated on 8th July 2021 by

The Han Solo we know and love –

The one with the boyish good lucks (well in the beginning) the natural charm and wit it can only be Harrison Ford as the one and only Han Solo – or could it

Everywhere there are web sites with fascinating insights into the whole Star Wars thing and  Smosch in the attached article suggests that Harrison was only one of a possible six considered namely

There are at least three in the above list we at GFD HQ do not think could have carried the role and clearly considering the way some of the above have aged the franchise must not have anticipated much more than a single film.

The story does not finish with the above six – dig a little deeper and even more names are thrown up – some have become famous in their own careers – others we have not heard of –

Nick Nolte, Kurt Russell, James Woods, Billy Dee Williams, Perry King, James Caan, Tom Sellick – the casting director must have had a revolving door –

It does however make you wonder how the role would have changed if it had been played by anyone other than Harrison Ford.

How would the chemistry have changed between characters we can speculate as many others have already done so before but here at GFD HQ we are pretty convinced that whoever came up with the casting decision they got it just about spot on.

Here at GFD HQ we are pretty sure we know which one of our superb range of Solidor *Star Doors* best suits the personality of Mr Solo when played by Mr Ford – it can only be the Milano a door from the Italia Collection with natural good looks, character and charm no matter which one of the colour and accessory combinations are chosen and here are a few examples –


But to suit Han Solo racy super smooth image we rather think he would go for the option of a red Milano –it may not look particularly good on the Millennium Falcon but when he gets home for a little rest and recuperation – away from the tedium of intergalactic space travel we are pretty sure that this would be Han’s door of choice and of course it is available on line from Timber Composite Door

Here we have the –

Screen Shot 2015-12-14 at 11.13.35



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Ian Richardson
Ian is the Head of Marketing here at Timber Composite Doors. Combining a deep knowledge of the product with a witty and Irreverent look at the World, the blog aims to provide a fun and informative, view on choosing a Solidor Timber Composite Door #solidor #compositedoors #timbercompositedoors
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