Like Peas in a Pod #stardoors


Last Updated on 8th July 2021 by

Having established in a previous article that Luke Skywalker had a fancy for our Messina style door – one of the excellent Italia Collection from Solidor as marketted by Timber Composite Door it got us to thinking here in the GFD HQ offices – which of our doors would be the favourite of other main members of the cast

For those who are unaware of the connection between GFD and Timber Composite Door – GFD Trading Ltd is the registered name of a company that includes all of the following “on line” companies Timber Composite Doors, Global Door, Fusion Door, Composite Door Prices and for windows Global Sash Windows or if it’s just accessories your after Eurosecure – now that we have cleared any confusion back to our story –

In the Star Wars saga there are two characters that formed a unique bond – two characters that could hardly have been considered as alike because their physical characteristics were so very very different.

Imagine the loveable droids with the weird voices, shopping for doors ( that is if droids actually have homes and would ever require doors ) what would they be looking for – we at GFD HQ reckon that to prevent any arguments they would require identical doors which would seem to be a less than feasible possibility considering the difference in their respective heights – or is it –

Not if they came to Timber Composite Door it’s not

Result two happy droids with no reason to argue

The Como and the Imola are only two of the twenty nine styles of Solidor doors available from Timber Composite Door and as they come in seventeen colours with a multitude of accessories we are pretty sure that we will have a “Star door” that matches each of the Star Wars Characters – watch this space for more revelations.

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Ian Richardson
Ian is the Head of Marketing here at Timber Composite Doors. Combining a deep knowledge of the product with a witty and Irreverent look at the World, the blog aims to provide a fun and informative, view on choosing a Solidor Timber Composite Door #solidor #compositedoors #timbercompositedoors
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