Every great achievement begins with something simple


“I” is for ?

Every great achievement begins with something simple

“a”- is for apple

“b”-  is for ball

“c”- is for cat

“d” – is for door –door? – door?? – Door??? –DOOR ???? –DOOR?????

–        and so it began –

“I”– is for the “inspiration” that first conceived the dream

T” – is for the “Talent” of designers who made it real

“A” – is for the “Architecture” these beautiful doors will grace

“L” – is for the “Love” with which every door is made

“I” – is for the “Investment” not just financial but the belief within the dream

“A” – is for you our “Audience” without whom we cannot succeed


I   T   A   L   I   A


The Door inspired by dreams

Manufactured by Solidor

Available to you from Timber Composite Doors wait no more turn the dream into a reality call us now for a superb brochure and more much more information.

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